Resolution vs Brightness - Which is More Important for Outdoor Screens?

November 01, 2021

Are you considering using outdoor screens for advertising or communication purposes? If so, you're probably wondering about the most important features to look for when making a purchase. Two factors that come to mind are resolution and brightness. In this blog post, we'll compare the two and help you decide which is more important for your needs.


When it comes to traditional displays, resolution is an important factor to consider. It refers to the number of pixels on the screen and has a direct impact on the quality of the image. However, when it comes to outdoor screens, the viewing distance is typically greater, which means resolution is less important.

A study conducted by the Society for Information Display found that 85 percent of people view outdoor digital displays from a distance of more than 10 feet away. At this distance, a resolution of 1080p is sufficient for most viewers. In fact, increasing the resolution beyond this point could be a waste of resources, as viewers will not notice any significant difference.


Brightness is a crucial factor when it comes to outdoor screens. These screens are exposed to direct sunlight, which can make it difficult to see the content being displayed. The brightness level needs to be high enough to overcome the glare.

Brightness is measured in nits, which is a unit of luminance. The brighter the display, the more nits it has. The average smartphone has a brightness level of around 500 to 600 nits. An indoor television typically has a brightness level of around 350 nits. In contrast, outdoor displays require a brightness level of at least 2,000 nits for optimal viewing in bright sunlight.

Which is More Important?

While both resolution and brightness are important factors to consider when purchasing outdoor screens, brightness is more important than resolution. A high resolution won't be of much use if the content cannot be seen clearly due to low brightness.


When purchasing outdoor screens, keep in mind that resolution is less important than brightness. While a high resolution can add to the overall image quality, it's not necessary for outdoor screens due to the viewing distance. On the other hand, brightness is crucial for clear visibility in direct sunlight. Be sure to choose a screen with a brightness level of at least 2,000 nits to ensure optimal viewing.


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